As luck would have it, the most beautiful weather in Western North Carolina found me on the ground with a bucketful of parts for the fuel system in the Cub, waiting for replacement parts and a measure of gumption to finish re-doing my fuel plumbing.
I depend on pals like Richard and Stan to do my flying for me in times like these and after flying over from Tennessee to give me a hand draining fuel out of my tank (I don’t have long enough arms), the two of them (and Cliff, who I’ve not met yet) launched on a trip through Hickory Nut Gorge to Shelby NC for a visit to Jerry’s private strip. Stan sent some notes to rub it in a little … no matter, I went back to working on my airplane and enjoy the flying even if it is virtual.
Here’s Stan:
Well I made it back to Greeneville, TN right at sunset. I really got to stop cutting it so close, I think that is the third/ fourth time I have done that. It is usually an hour and a half flight from Shelby, NC with no headwind. Which would have made me several minutes after sunset. But I just kept climbing looking for those higher tailwinds and also had to cross right over Mt. Mitchell again. I'm losing count of how many times I have crossed that mountain, I think it is 5 or 6 times. So since I feel better crossing it at 1000' AGL (Mt. Mitchell is 6684' high) and I'm VFR flying west I decide for my friend who is always surprised that I get so high in the J3 to go to 8500'. The tailwinds give me the boost I was looking for and I'm able to get to my destination as the Sun is setting.
Stan’s pictures of crossing Mount Mitchell from east to west – the shadows are beginning to get a little long – and the sun going down on Greeneville airport.
Great flight today flying around NC seeing other Cub Drivers and flying by Chimney Rock. And first time I had a tailwind coming and going as the high moved through during the day. It was a 12 hour day from the time I left to the time I returned home. The most dangerous part today was the return motorcycle ride this evening. And the public thinks flying airplanes is dangerous. I use to enjoy riding on the roads, but I feel safer in the air these days flying over the traffic. One day Kathy and I hope to have our log cabin on our own airstrip where maybe I won't have to get on the roads to go fly.
Stan’s pictures above: L-R: Hickory Nut Gorge, Chimney Rock perched on the NE slope of Sugarloaf Mountain, and the Rock framed in the struts. I don’t know how Stan finds the time to take pictures!
My reply to Stan: Great! Terrific pictures. Glad y'all had a good time. Thanks again for your help draining my fuel tank. I had to order parts to put my fuel system back together and expect them after the weekend. No flying until then, but the next three days look like no-fly days anyway. (Today, however, is magnificent and I'm on the ground).
Stan again: … here are some more pictures you might want to use ... Thanks for the gas and I would have loved to have help you put the Steve’s gascolator on, but I'm sure you got plenty of help there, did you ever take that valve apart to see if it was just a bad o-ring inside?... (partly … I just decided to get a new one). Flight back from Shelby ended up to be 1:20 beating the original plan by ten minutes and keeping me legal. Next time I come down when the winds are calm I'll have to fly that route with Kathy during the morning so the sun shines on Chimney Rock. Noticed the leaves are still green there, so there might be time for more colors there.
Stan got pictures of Richard and Cliff flying in company and the two Cubs together on Jerry’s airport.
Stan: Its a lot of fun flying to 0A7 except for the Class C airspace (Asheville). I just about got all the landmarks figured out to stay out of it even if I don't have a GPS. After I cross the mountains at the TN/NC border at 5500' aim straight for Sugar Loaf until I pass the city and turn round the big golf course and fly direct to airport through the saddle.
Wow, I've learned a lot hanging out with you guys and looking at the differences in all the J3 in that area. Now I have some modifications to make to our airplane.
There’s always something you want to do to make your airplane either better or more original. With 4 other Cubs on our airport, each has a little something different or better. Mine is a “50 foot” airplane because it looks OK from 50’ away.
Stan’s a Flight Instructor, too, and had a fellow approach him about instruction in “conventional landing gear” airplanes. That means the main wheels are in front and there’s a little wheel under the tail, thus the more commonly used “taildragger” nickname. Taildragger pilots walk proudly, but are always a little paranoid … the airplanes they fly have evil intent and will swap ends in a heartbeat. To get an idea of how this works, the next time you have a little room in grocery store parking lot stand in front of your (empty) cart and give it a healthy push backwards. It won’t go far before the front end of the cart swings around and eventually runs amok, smashing into cars. In airplanes, it’s called a ground loop, in grocery cart terms it’s called, at best, “instructive”. Either could result in an insurance claim but having to endure the embarrassment of ground looping in front of other pilots is cruel and unusual punishment.
Stan: Well I signed him off, but cautioned him on the differences on his Der Jeger experimental one seater (if I had the other computer working I'd send ya a picture). Made another friend and someday we'll fly down there together and show him Hendersonville or whenever you guys make it up this way we'll go to his airport in Johnson City. It was kinda a neat day, I drove over to Johnson City airport and we flew to Greeneville in his C-150. Then we transitioned to the J3, gosh I had to re-learn how to get into the front seat. Everybody was laughin at me being turned into a pretzel. Fun, Fun day!
I filled my days last week with stuff around the house and finally got all the parts together to finish hooking up all the pipes in my fuel system. Of course, the weather turned nasty on the day I wanted to fill the tank and do a little test flying, but I have something to look forward to … We’re in the first week of November now and Stan decides to take to the air before a cold front reaches him:
Finally, Stan: Just couldn't resist a solo flight yesterday around the Johnson City area. The weather was moving in from Knoxville and I figured I would just fly in the pattern today. After a very exciting takeoff with wind shear and turbulence I made one landing before heading out towards Buffalo Mountain. First I wanted to find where Decker field was and I found it right next to the Corn Maze off highway 107. Then that fire burning near one of our houses in Carter/ Unicoi County, in fact the smoke was blowing right into the neighborhood, got my attention so I flew over Buffalo Mtn. to investigate. Interesting how it was burning as I was getting bounced around all those little mountains in the area. I flew around the north east side and dove from 4500' down to about 2500' under the smoke layer. Flying around the neighborhood once, before making a quick stop and go at Johnson City Airport as I was racing the weather approaching my home airport now. Oh, how I hated looking to the west as it was getting darker, but the wind seemed to be in my favor and I was closing in on Greeneville faster than the weather. Was wondering how the winds would be down there? I'm 10 miles out and I can see the rain shafts starting on either side of my flight path as I'm letting other traffic know of my approach to Runway 23. There is no other traffic in the area so I maneuver for a long final approach to get me down quicker before the rain starts. Good stiff crosswind on final but little if any turbulence, so this ought to be a fun landing. I prefer landing on one wheel to improve my skill and see how long I can roll on it before the others eventually touchdown.
Oh, while flying around the neighborhood I did see the bright orange jack-o-lanterns on the front porch. Kathy said a funny last night, I had previously bought some Halloween M&Ms for her and she said, "Since it is no longer Halloween, they are now Harley-Davidson M&Ms".
With guys like Stan and Richard around, even virtual flying is fun.