Wednesday, February 06, 2019

February 2019 - A Warm Spell Means the Patterns Are Full

What a beautiful weekend - the first one in February was incredible ... temps in the 50s and clear skies. The chatter was all about flying!

This picture was titled "On Nancy's Wing"
Photo by Debbie Bolser

I really like that picture - Friends Jerry and Nancy are real aviation people and a wonderful couple.

Jerry's view of Nancy!
From a video by Dave Bolser

...and Gary and Antony on approach to 0A7

Leo was up on Saturday, too, enjoying some together time with his  Corby Starlet ... Mark flew his RV-8 with a youngster ... 
To be fair and honest, or fairly honest, this pic of the CallAir was taken last July 4th by Darwin and Mark, but in the news media it's ok because it's a "representative picture". Ahem.

Gene and I took the valley tour in the CallAir Cadet ... Michael and Darwin flew Michael's 150, then Darwin launched his RV ... Simon flew to Pickens County for fuel ... all in all a great day. After the rain, snow and cold, the chains were loosed!
Friend YogiBear cranked up his Boredom Fighter to add to his rapidly mounting hour total for 2019. Yogi met me at Marion NC to inspect the CallAir before I bought it in 2012. The Fighter was designed by Donald Wolf and first flew in 1979. Here's a link to Yogi's YouTube channel:

On a beautiful day in February there is nothing half so much worth doing as messing around with airplanes.