Here's a view from what was formerly rampside:

Finally, there appears to be a group trying to restore the old hangar to mark Bellanca's place in history:

Here's a view from what was formerly rampside:
Now here's an airplane that's good for a few Yaks .... Craig Sampson and son Cory pass in review ...
Around noon, I noticed the tide was turning toward the south end of the hangars and then I discovered why ....
Somebody brought a pig to the dance!
Eating under the shade of the trees is just the ticket ....
Sunday saw this beautiful Fairchild 24 taxiing in for the day ...The front row seats for the bomb drop contest were rewarded with an exhibition of skill and teamwork by pilots and bombardiers. The 100' minimum altitude was only rarely infringed upon. (The safest place on earth that day was the target ...)
The end to a perfect day with good friends, good airplanes, and movies on the hangar wall. I wish I could have stayed later ...
Some of our new friends:
Tom and Eileen from Connecticut and the Bamboo Bomber
John and daughter Amelia from Kalamazoo, Michigan!
(Winners of the tired tush award - a couple of club shirts)
Happy Landings!
If you're going to have people around, especially kids, you have to have an airplane for them to have their picture taken in ... the SE-5 replica fills the bill nicely.
The next big event is the Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York fly-in and pig roast on the weekend of August 17, 18 and 19. Come one, come all, fly in and camp or wangle a sleeping spot, baste the pig, tell lies and enjoy yourself. Lots of good airplanes invited and we hope more will show up just for the fun of it.
Son-in-law Jay arrived in the Middle East last week. He rejoined the Army National Guard after 15 years away from the Service - couldn't stand by and watch. We're so proud of him.