Well, my friends, May has been blustery, gustery and when it's not blustering and gustering it's been wet. But there have been days like the day below, even when we had to go out of town to find them!

This is Horn Point and this is the annual fly-in of the PAAS (Potomac Antique Airplane Society) near Cambridge MD ... We happened to catch them on a dry day between wet days but the main thing is it was a grand day ... Stu took a bunch of pictures and sent me a few so here is an actual airplane that was actually there ....
A gen-u-wine Mooney M-10 basking in the sunshine ...
May was also the month when the Cub changed hands ... A gallant group of 7 intrepid aviators, members of the Bayport Aerodrome Society and/or the Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York, banded together to buy the Cub and leave me semi-Cubless (semi because they give me rides every now and then and because some of the guys need their tailwheel endorsements.

So the little yellow airplane flew away without having to fly away and will ply the skies over Bayport and Fire Island for years to come ... meanwhile ...

I still have my "other" Cub ... at Area 52 north of Tampa FL ... and will be flying it as soon as my son teaches me how not to create a kit out of all it's parts.
Then to round out the month, Stu and Bob and I launched the Banana and flew up to New Hampshire where we met a wonderful family and took a look at a possible Cub replacement for me ... more on that to come as soon as we can work out details ...
But it might look like ....
A Champ!
Come visit us at www.bayportaerodrome.org or www.aacgny.org .... bring a picnic and enjoy the airplanes at the last publicly owned, grass runway on Long Island!

1 comment:
Great blog.
I too am a corporate pilot who loves rag-wing aeroplanes, however I would like to retire to Lake Lure...so we are not clones !!
Next trip to CLT I intend to drive up to see the museum. Keep the blogs coming!
Kind regards,
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