The first look our visitors (by car) get is the flag. We're a proud bunch and our flag tells everybody just where we stand.
Every now and then we have visitors who love to just walk around and touch the airplanes ... there's always somebody who says "I helped build those during the war" or "I worked on or flew those during the war". It's great to have these men and women stop by for their visits ...
...and there's a car buff or two who'd like to have pictures of themselves or their cars with the classic biplanes ...
Pretty soon the wind died down enough to go flying and Bob and I cruised the Great South Bay in the Champ looking for aggressor forces ....
...and there they were! Lurking above the boaters and ferries ... a couple of Cubs!
We decided to take them from the sun, but they turned tail and made for the safety of Bayport Aerodrome where they were met by ...
The Green Baron von Clifford and his 1930 Bird Model A!
Vladimir and Andre even got into the act, firing up the mighty Ranger and killing the mosquitos in a cloud of blue smoke ...
I wish I had pictures of the feast Bill and Bill brought to us....the Striped Bass and crabs were tasty and appreciated by all ... culinary arts honed by years of practice over a roaring barbecue grill ...

In the end it's about friends and airplanes and good fun on a weekend afternoon .... and there's nothing that can compare.
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