Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Future

When it’s a beautiful day, there’s just nothing better than an Airplane Ride! Cousin Charlie’s wife, Marian’s, nephew and family spent a few days in North Carolina recently and after all the swimming and freezing in mountain streams, after all the hiking and climbing and doing stuff, there was this Big Secret High Adventure thing left to do … the boys played all their cards to find out what it was, but no telling. By the time they got to the airport and the Secret was out, they were wired … and boy, was it fun!

Rides 7-24-11a

Daemion (age 12) was first and climbed right in … we spent about 15 minutes in the air, first circling over the airport so we could wave to everybody, then departed the pattern from the crosswind to do a little hands-on flying! He picked it right up.

Rides 7-24-11c

Rides 7-24-11d

Charlie and Papa and Ty (age 8) and Lisa were the cheering section …

Then it was Lisa’s turn

Rides 7-24-11f

Rides 7-24-11g

…and she learned why the control stick is called a “joy stick” … we had a great ride, just like Daemion’s.

Then it was Ty’s turn …

Rides 7-24-11k

Rides 7-24-11l

That open door was a little too open, so we closed it before launch … that was better … a lot more comfortable for a first time Cub flyer … (the door was open again by the time we were taxiing in after our flight).

The only trouble was …. it was over too soon.

Rides 7-24-11m

What’s so great about today?

Rides 7-24-11o

Rides 7-24-11p

Rides 7-24-11q Rides 7-24-11r

And the best of all, a self portrait:

Rides 7-24-11s

Rides 7-24-11j

There is nothing, simply nothing, that is half so much worth doing as messing around in a Cub.
