Sunday, September 27, 2015

Back to Hooterville

Moss does not grow on a rolling stone. After much deliberation and a dose of reality, The Boss and I decided to move back to the mountains of North Carolina: Hendersonville, the town of my birth, seat of the family and home of the Western North Carolina Air Museum.

This being the fall of the year, the leaves in the mountains are just starting to turn and will be a brilliant display in a couple more weeks - a perfect time to be flying, but bone up on your mountain flight planning before you make the trip. 

My new internet flying buddy, Peter, from Foxbat in Australia, posted this slightly harrowing video of an approach to a strip in rural Idaho. Now THIS is mountain flying!

Meanwhile, work continues on the CallAir Cadet - Malcolm has the wings and tail control surfaces through their final coat of silver and is proceeding on the fuselage. There's much to be done there and I hope he can get it out of the shop by the end of the year. This year.

I can't wait to get back in the air.

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